Tracking live streams across multiple platforms (Project WT: NylStream)

Posted by admin at April 17, 2020

Streaming services and content development are the future of modern media. There are tons of platforms and developers providing content online. I would like to build an app that search and find new content from across these several platforms, allowing developers publish and promote their content seamlessly on one platform. A web/phone app and tons of API knowledge of these platforms could do the trick.

Of recent, I have been consuming copious amounts of streamed or on-demand content from YouTube, Twitch and Netflix. I have not been to cinema or used cable TV in a long time. Its a habit to turn on one of my favorite channels in one of the browser tabs and leave it playing on of the monitors while working.

Sourcing new content on these platforms is of utmost importance to me, and most of my interest of niche kind revolving around technology, culture, music, video games and movies. My favorite content media is usually from developers who are not so popular on their respective platforms or even in their respective genres. Therefore, discovery of new content becomes a little impaired as the search and stacking algorithms on these platforms are majorly based on the popularity of the content developers publishing them. The more the popularity, the more the suggestions.

However, on the flip-side, smaller content developers face different challenges, certain notifications of their activities do not go out on time, certain technical difficulties, system maintenance activities or user rule violations result in streams been dropped and subscriptions automatically cancelled. Hence, a need for third-party solutions to solve the issue of discovery and follower-ship bridging the gap between the niche content developers and their audience.

NylStream would be a simple notification system that monitors the online activities of content developers, enabling them to auto-publish and promote their content instantaneously and seamlessly. The keyword here is “streamlining”. The content developer would not have to send several messages on multiple platforms like Twitter or Reddit to notify their audience of new content or a scheduled live stream. Just fire up the platform link, go live and the audience will be notified automatically.

Achieving seamless promotion requires an in-depth integration of the streaming APIs like YouTube Data API v3, Twitch, Facebook Live etc. A collection APIs to be incorporate in the project include the following

  1. Youtube Data API
  2. Twitch API
  3. Facebook Live
  4. Mixer
  5. Twitter Streaming API

The design approach would be to develop a web-app in a scalable programming language like Python that will consume the streaming APIs for notifying users when a stream is live, when new content has been published, and even messages from the social sections of YouTube and Twitch. Real-time activity tracking on the content developer end can be accomplished by the implementation of browser extensions or desktop apps. These apps trigger notifications whenever the user initiates a live stream or posts new content. Audiences can also bookmark videos and watch them later without triggering events on the respective platforms.

The application can also be extended to allow content developers open new channels for building connections with their audience using an online status feature. This feature will allow the users see what platform their favorite content developer is currently on. Finally, payment processing can be incorporated to allow for tips and renumerations.

The major advantage of the NylStream is to provide an additional layer of interaction that ensure that content developers stay in touch with their audience and that end-users can always find their much-beloved content as soon as they drop, regardless of the stream schedules or platform peculiarities.


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