Too Busy and Too Sleepy

Posted by admin at April 11, 2014

Its 11:49pm and I am yawning, stretching and swaying on my seat before the monitors. This is the third straight day that I have spent at the office, I have had a combined sleep time of 8 hours since I came to work. I don’t drink coffee so I am totaled, very tired, yet still stretching to complete my projects and meet deadlines. I am quite failing at my quest for balance in life as work is taking every slice of time I have.

So here comes technology to the rescue: just a thought, a productivity app that chops and dices your time into into time frames, each reserved for every aspect of my project as well as reserve some “kill time” for cooling off and most of all sleeping! Many of us have the habit of creating todo lists, so such a app will require periodic data entry of some sort. Apps such as WayOfLife and IPlanSuccess comes to mind.

But there lies the catch! I don’t want to enter data on my phone, I want automated tracking and alarm systems that will measure how long I have sat at my desk and signal me to stand up and NOT sit till I have walked a total of X meters: an app that will track what applications I am using and for how long and snap me out of them when I stay way longer than necessary, hell, even perform a total media shutdown: knockout the internet, my phones and my laptops at once for a number of hours at night! Yea, I know that might seem a bit too extreme but you cant tell me you haven’t gone to bed early at 8:30pm with a phone in your hand and you are still awake at 4:58am the next morning still reading, techcrunch or worse, stuck in the tangles of

Achieving balance in your life is a goal that will require discipline and  dedication, pretty much like getting in shape. There are some things apps cant do for you. Well, I might be wrong, I guess if I think hard enough, I might just come up with that killer do-it-all app that will nudge me from my sleep-a-day-work-three-days schedule onto the work-smart-party-hard-rest cycle that I so crave.

That is . . . if I think hard enough . . .think hard . . . think . . . think. . . . . ZZzzzzzzzzZZZzzzzzzzzZZ





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