Project Specifications: ProChris and MStream

Posted by admin at November 24, 2015

As I round up a number of application projects I am working on, I have decided to finally shift some attention to my private projects. So I drafted some skeletal specifications . (Sorry no images at the moment, just drafts)


ProChris: (Please see my article on bad roads, the thinking behind, which lead to this)

ProChris is an app that tracks the users’ nearness to points of interest coordinates (POIs). The app can be used to track bad road paths, pot holes, building / construction areas, checkpoints, traffic lights etc, basically every point on the road requires the user slow down and perform a special driving maneuver. Users can receive notifications via ProChris while they are within the vicinity of a POI.

ProChris should allow the user perform the following operations:
1. Record new POIs seamlessly and in real-time.
2. Track the location of the user in relation to the nearest POI and advise according using visual/voice prompts
3. Perform location-based messaging. Users can save messages for other users at saved POIs.
4. Share POIs with other users

Possible Real-Life Applications:
Road usage and Traffic tracking, Real Estate, Media and Advertisement etc.

The app should be implemented in PHP (for web server API), JQuery / PhoneGap (for UX/UI)



MStream App

MStream is a media app for streaming LIVE video from multiple web cameras, allowing the user record and manipulate the web cameras from the mobile / table or PC. The app should be able to record videos and pictures from the LIVE streaming sources. Article continues here


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