Custom Select Box for Large Data Lists (PHP, AJAX)

Posted by admin at December 30, 2016


The script below is the most important function needed in this file. The function populates a select box with values from a MySQL table. Please see the tutorial here: Populating a select box with PHP/MySQL

* function to generate the options of a select boxes
* $tbl          is the table to generate values from
* $opt_value    is the name of the column to use for the option value property
* $opt_text     is the name of the column to use for the option text property
* $rid          is the record id representing the selected option
* $conn         is the database connector resource

function select_box($tbl, $opt_value, $opt_text, $rid, $conn, $opt_name='opt_src')
    // build the read query
    $sql = get_read_sql($tbl);

    // submit the query to generate rows
    $rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());

    // fetch the first 
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);

    // calculate total rows
    $total_rows = mysql_num_rows($rs);

    // determine the selected option
    $sel = ($rid == 0) ? 'selected' : '';

    // initiate the options html
    $html = '<option value="0" '.$sel.'>--select--</option>';

   // loop through the result count
   for ($i=0; $i<$total_rows; $i++)
      // if the current options is the selected
      // option then set the option's selected property 
      $sel = ($row[$opt_value] == $rid) ? 'selected' : ''; 

      // append the current options html 
      $html .= '<option value="$row[$opt_val]" '.$sel.'>'.$row[$opt_text].'</option>';

      // generate the next row
      $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);

   // return the html
   return $html;

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